Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management

Evaluation is a field where development partners work closely to gather and need to use a common technical vocabulary, despite widely differing linguistic backgrounds. Accordingly, the OECD-DAC Network on Development Evaluation has developed a glossary of key terms in evaluation and results-based management to help to clarify concepts and to promote consistent use of common terms in these areas.

The glossary was originally published in 2002 in English, French and Spanish and has since been made available in Chinese, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Kiswahili, Turkish and Swedish. It has been very widely used and is now a standard reference.

The present publication now offers the glossary in Arabic, in a trilingual format with English and French. As an official language used in the United Nations and of course in organizations, administrations and development institutions throughout the Arab world, Arabic is an important language in the field of development assistance. Accordingly, the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the OECD-DAC Development Cooperation Directorate agreed to translate the glossary of key evaluation terms, concepts and definitions into Arabic. With the publication of this trilingual glossary, the three institutions hope to facilitate and improve dialogue and understanding among all those who are involved in development activities and their evaluation, whether in Arab partner countries, development agencies and banks, or non-governmental organizations working or interacting with the Arab world.

The glossary is intended to serve as a convenient reference guide in evaluation training, in preparation of on guidelines and standards and in practical development work. The glossary will give evaluation experts, field staff and other partners working in Arabic a basis for helping them to align their work with internationally agreed concepts. In this respect, the glossary is an important step towards enhancing harmonization and mutual understanding between the Arab development funds and institutions and other international development partners, and can be expected to promote and facilitate joint work. This glossary is the result of a collaborative effort.

The Islamic Development Bank provided the first translation draft which was reviewed by internal and external editors, under the shared guidance of Mr. Mohamed Manai (Chief Evaluator, Operations Evaluation Department, AfDB) and Dr. Djelloul Saci, Director, Operations Evaluation Office (IsDB). Then a Validation Panel composed of translators, editors and evaluation experts assured the quality of the translation.

Languages Supported in this Glossary: Arabic, English, and French

Arabic Name: معجم المصطلحات الأساسية في التقييم والإدارة القائمة على النتائج

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Number of Pages: 65

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